158 results

Operation Green Heart
This is a book written for children to assist military and ex-military personnel and their families deal with difficult feelings that may have arisen as a result of their service including a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD and depress...
Operation Green Heart
Written for children to assist military and ex-military personnel and their families deal with difficult feelings that may have arisen as a result of their service including a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Optimising Performance in Golf
The game of golf is a 'work in progress' for the ambitious player You never reach the point at which you have mastered the game because the knowledge and skills it demands are virtually limitless. Jack Nicklaus Led by a Foreword on how to win by the...
Overcoming Adversity: Conquering Life's Challenges
No one searches for adversity Bad experiences are simply part of life Yet how many of us will know what to do to prevent our lives from spiraling out of control when we encounter traumatic events that threaten our safety careers emotions health o...
Overcoming School Refusal: A practical guide for teachers, counsellors, caseworkers and parents
School refusal affects up to 5% of children and is a complex and stressful issue for the child their family and school.
Parenting Made Easy: The early years
A bag of tricks approach to parenting the 1 to 5 year old The early years of parenting are often a tricky and challenging time a time when you will watch your baby fade and a child emerge a time of amazing growth development and change Your 'bag o...
People Skills: Guiding You to Effective Interpersonal Behaviour
Almost every profession these days requires that you possess good people skills But what are people skills and how can they be developed People Skills Guiding you to effective interpersonal behaviour will equip you with the knowledge and skills to ge...
Personality and Individual Differences: Current Directions
Interest and research in personality and individual differences in why people behave the way they do and the implications for life and living remain unabated around the world Human beings are fascinating in how they are similar to one another and h...