158 results
Integrated Family Intervention for Child Conduct Problems: A behaviour-attachment-systems intervention for parents

Integrated Family Intervention for Child Conduct Problems: A behaviour-attachment-systems intervention for parents

Parents are often trapped in a coercive system in which the daily toll of dealing with misbehaviour leaves them with little positive emotion left to give Even parents who have been trained in positive parenting fall short of showing enough attachment...
Integrative Assessment in Clinical Psychology

Integrative Assessment in Clinical Psychology

This book demonstrates an integrated model of clinical psychology practice where disorders are understood as the outcome of multiple interacting factors across different levels of analysis biological psychological and psycho-social Using real-life c...
International Education and Cultural-Linguistic Experiences  of International Students in Australia

International Education and Cultural-Linguistic Experiences of International Students in Australia

The internationalisation of higher education in the 20th century built on an unprecedented expansion of transport and communication networks and the scope of international scholarly activities triggered a massive flow of people across countries and...
Italian Bel Canto in the Age of Vocal Science

Italian Bel Canto in the Age of Vocal Science

In this, the third and final volume in a trilogy on the development of vocal science since 1562, Joseph Talia, noted tenor, teacher, researcher, and operatic director, critically evaluates the modern Italian School of bel canto, its connection to the pas
Job Stress in University Staff: An Australian Research Study

Job Stress in University Staff: An Australian Research Study

This is one of the most thorough and comprehensive studies of workplace stress among university staff ever undertaken The authors of this book have done a great service to higher education throughout the world by their systematic research and insight...
Journal of Psychology in Africa

Journal of Psychology in Africa

This journal is no longer published by Australian Academic Press. For all enquiries please contact the Editor, Elias Mpofu, University of Sydney, Email: elias.mpofu@sydney.edu.au
Keeping Our Kids Alive: Parenting a suicidal young person

Keeping Our Kids Alive: Parenting a suicidal young person

Psychologist Lyn O'Grady wrote this book to explain exactly what it means to be a parent of a teenager who is struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviours and how to help.
Learn to Dance on a Moving Carpet: How to create a balanced and meaningful life

Learn to Dance on a Moving Carpet: How to create a balanced and meaningful life

Kick start yourself into action and achieve balance and resilience in your life In today's busy fast-changing world many people feel they have lost their way and struggle with the aspects of everyday life In this quick 'go to' self-help guide psycho...
Letters from a former Dean: Advice for students on navigating their studies to a successful career

Letters from a former Dean: Advice for students on navigating their studies to a successful career

In this inspiring, helpful and unique book written in the form of letters, fromer Dean Trevor Heath sets out practical and thoughtful tips to help students make the transition to higher study, then navigate successfully through their studies and onto the